What if there was a way to fast-forward innovation? An economist and tech billionaire recently joined forces to make research grants available within 14 days.

Freethink, Mar 31, 2021

Stripe Founder Patrick Collison is Changing How We Fund Science

What if there was a way to fast-forward innovation? An economist and tech billionaire recently joined forces to make research grants available within 14 days.

Today, it typically takes about a year for scientists to receive a research grant, no matter how brilliant the idea. During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the problems with this extremely slow system came to the forefront of the science world.

But what if there was a way to fast-forward scientific innovation? To make coronavirus research funding more easily accessible in a time when it mattered most, an economist and tech billionaire joined forces and came up with Fast Grants.

Fast Grants allows scientists to apply for and receive research grants between $10,000 and $500,000 in fourteen days or less. The startup funded everything from genetic testing to vaccines, and perhaps most notably — the saliva test that was used during the NBA playoffs bubble.

See the full article on how Collison helped reimagine research grants here: https://www.freethink.com/shows/catal…

This video was created in partnership with Stand Together.